Senate Meeting 24 July 2008

Prior to the meeting a number of general staff and Senators met informally. The staff members got to know a little more about the workings of Senate.

We talked about the impact of Government policy on the University, how the Finance Committee of Senate works, trends in the fields of work of the staff members present, and plans for the University's future.

If you would like to participate in an informal meeting with Senators, email me.

Prior to the formal meeting of Senate itself, Senators listened to a presentation from the Executive Director, UQSport, on how the association is adapting to life under Voluntary Student Unionism and its plans for the future.

OH&S Council Annual Report

The Report for 2007 was received. One Senator requested that it in future include benchmark data on the number of injuries and lost days, so that members can see how UQ is performing relative to comparable organisations.

I mentioned that I was pleased about the introduction of a specialist Staff Support & Rehabilitation Officer who is a trained psychologist. I've had the benefit of this service, both as a supervisor of staff receiving the Officer's assistance, and as a support person for an ASU member receiving her assistance. I stated that UQ does a reasonable job of providing a safety net for victims of psychological illness and work-related stress, but could improve in terms of preventative care. The Report mentions that a Psychological Wellness Program has been proposed and has received some support from the Secretary and Registrar. I welcomed this development and said that it could form part of a wider Wellness Program, examples of which can be found in other organisations (eg, QUT). I have separately mentioned this to the HR Director, Shard Lorenzo.

UQSport Financial Statements

I expressed concern that UQSport recorded an operating deficit of nearly $1m in 2007. I understand that the cause is largely VSU, but UQSport's Annual Report did not explain how this was being turned around. It says that the association's strategy has been revised, but doesn't say how. UQ is contributing around $800K a year to help UQSport deliver basic services to students, $370K for facilities upkeep, and $350K towards the association's capital management plan. I suggested Senate keep an eye on the situation. The Finance Committee receives quarterly financial reports.

Organisational Change

The proposal for a Faculty of Science and a new Executive Dean, with consequential changes to the Faculty of EPSA, were passed and have since been the subject of an email to all staff from the Vice-Chancellor.

The review of the International Education Directorate and implementation plan received some discussion. There are no significant impacts on staff of IED.

Proposed changes to the executive structure of the University, partly arising from the upcoming retirements of Trevor Grigg and Douglas Porter, and partly from the V-C's view of how things should be arranged, were also discussed, as a confidential item. A couple of new positions will be created and some reporting lines changed. Announcements can be expected in due course.

Other Business

Other business was routine in nature - reports from the various sub-committees of Senate, reports of professorial selection committees, a number of HUPP policy updates, etc.