Senate Meeting 9 February 2006

This was the first meeting of the 31st Senate of the University. It was relatively short and focussed on routine matters, such as the election of the Chancellor (Sir Llew Edwards for a three year term).

In the face of the Federal Government's National Governance Protocols, the previous Senate recommended that the President of the UQ Union, who would not be eligible for membership of the 31st Senate, be invited to attend meetings as a participative observer. The new Senate approved the recommendation, and Ms Lucy Webber was admitted to the meeting.

The meeting also dealt with appointment of members to Committees of Senate. Members had been invited beforehand to express an interest. I didn't fancy my chances of getting on to the Finance Committee, but nominated for:

  • Membership and Nominations Advisory Committee - a new Committee to advise on who might be appointed to the non-elected positions on Senate.
  • Senior Staff Salaries Committee - advises on the salaries for senior positions - those not governed by EBAs.
  • Student Appeals Committee - I have experience in this area that I thought could be utilised.

As some of the Senate's own appointments to Senate have not yet been made, 'skeleton' committees have been constituted where they need to get going. Student Appeals Committee is one of them and I have been appointed to that. I've missed out on a berth on the Membership and Nominations Advisory Committee, which will meet soon to determine Senate's three appointments to Senate. (Funny that.)

Nothing else of significance to general staff was dealt with.