Senate Meeting 8 April 2010, and Senate Retreat 9-10 April 2010

A relatively small agenda for this meeting - mainly standard, regular reports. Progress against UQ's various Portfolio Plans and Enabling Operational Plans was noted, especially where a target had not been met.

Review of P&F

At long last the report of the review of Property & Facilities Division (undertaken in April 2009) and the Director's response came to Senate. No sign of restructuring that will lead to redundancies. Mostly reorganisation of reporting lines that most P&F staff already know about. Senate noted the report and response, and discussed the efforts arising from the review to manage costs associated with tendering for construction projects, especially smaller projects which have each been their own 'empire' to-date, and to consider building life cycle costs. The suggestion to hire our own quantity surveyor sounds like a good idea to me.

Confidential report of the Audit Committee

Senate receives reports from time-to-time that cover things such as inappropriate staff behaviour in relation to the misappropriation of resources and finances. The reports provide a brief summary only and Senators who want detailed information can access the reports separately. I believe that it is important that the level of reporting to Senate be retained, so that Senators can assure themselves that any shortcomings in the University's procedures are addressed to prevent recurrence where possible. There was talk from the front table though that the reports might be left to the Audit Committee only in future. I will oppose this.

Senate Retreat

Senators and senior UQ executives spent Friday afternoon and Saturday at a Gold Coast resort doing some strategic planning. A number of papers were provided as preliminary reading, and presentations given by the V-C and several DVCs. The key topics were:

  • Environmental scan - what is the environment UQ is operating in at present.
  • Questions about future growth and quality.
  • Improving research performance.
  • Resources and facilities - providing the infrastructure to meet our plans in the face of financial limitations.
  • Developing a philanthropic culture.
  • Future development of UQ sites.

A 'green paper', written by the V-C and addressing these topics under the title 'Strategic Directions to 2020', was circulated, but discussed only partly. It will be revised and brought back for further Senate consideration, ultimately becoming a 'white paper' for staff consumption. There is a general optimism about UQ's future and although we are exposed to risks like most universities, we have some wonderful opportunities available to us. More on this as it becomes clearer.