Prior to the meeting, members received two presentations:

  1. from Prof Nick Fisk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, on the operations and strategy of the Faculty, which was well given and well received.
  2. from Gary Chaplin, Director of Occupational Health & Safety, on the new Work Health & Safety Act 2011, in terms of duties of Senate members under the Act.

Routine Business

The meeting proper was relatively short, noting the usual reports of the Legislative Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee and Academic Board, along with regular reports on gifts and grants, finacial awards and prizes and changes to the Policy & Procedures Library.

25 Years of Service

Members noted the names of 26 professional staff members recognised for having completed 25 years of service. Earlier in the afternoon, I and a number of Senators, including the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor, attended a function to congratulate these staff on their achievement, at which the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor made a warm speech and presented a gift to each person.

Appointment of the 7th Vice-Chancellor

In a closed ssession of the meeting, Senators discussed the process for selection of the next V-C.