20 August 2015

Pre-meeting presentations

Presentations by Robyn Ward, DVCR and Matt Brown, Director UQ Diamantina Institute.

Routine matters

These included policy changes, reports from Senate committees, consideration of honorary degree nominations, update on appointment of next Chancellor.

Staff Engagement Survey

Senate was given a reasonably comprehensive presentation by a Voice consultant of the results of the staff engagement survey. Staff are getting essentially the same presentation at roadshows the V-C is doing and at meetings in their organisational units. There was not much discussion.

Workplace Culture at UQ

Given its relationship to the Staff Engagement Survey, I spoke to this standing agenda item.

The recommendations in the SES include, under 'Ethics and Culture', "facilitating staff contribution to culture change", and, under 'Involvement', "continuing to improve consultation with staff in decision-making and acknowledge and address staff concerns".

Accordingly, I suggested that any intiatives taken to improve workplace culture at UQ, including the ESS initiative, should take account of the above advice.

I'm getting at two things here:

  1. Don't highjack the workplace culture improvement agenda in the way we have seen over the last year or two, such that it changes from being a grassroots driven initiative to one where senior UQ management takes over and changes the direction towards 'efficiencies' they want to achieve.
  2. If you are going to have your way and make ESS the primary response to improved workplace culture, be genuine in involving affected staff in the planning and implementation and be upfront about the fact that it will eventually lead to job losses.
