18 August 2016

Routine matters

These included statements by the new Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and President of the Academic Board on routine matters; policy changes; reports from Senate committees; and a Customs House update. There was also a presentation on the restructuring of the MABS Faculty and formal approval of changes to the names and status of org units in MABS (now the Faculty of Medicine).

Fossil Free UQ

Four student representatives of the Fossil Free UQ activist group were admitted to the Senate Room to make a 10 minute presentation on why UQ should divest its fossil fuel investments. A supporting position paper from the group had been circulated with the agenda papers, along with a management paper. The latter did not make an explicit recommendation, and although somewhat balanced, highlighted a number of arguments against divestment.

After the students left, Senate had quite a lengthy discussion of the matter with participation by a wide range of members. As a percentage of UQ's total investment holdings, fossil fuel holdings are small, but most speakers were focussed on the 'risks' of divestment, such as criticism from the corporate sector or a reduction in support from the companies involved. It was clear there was not a majority appetite for divestment, but there was a willingness to revisit the principles underpinning UQ's investments. Presumably something about this will come to a future Senate meeting.

Workplace Culture and ESS

The regular workplace culture report was quietly dropped from the agenda. It was becoming a little repetitive, and I guess the main thing to report at present as far as management is concerned is the ESS juggernaught. Senate noted the summary of feedback on the Finance/HR Issues Paper that has been published generally internally. They also got a taste of what management is thinking as it puts together the formal Proposal.